Does Your Company Need a Respiratory Protection Program?
The pandemic has not only upended the way workplaces look—it has also resulted in unanticipated fines from OSHA. Many employers in industries that typically do not require the use of [...]
How Independent Schools Can Combat a Hard Insurance Market
These eight strategies can help you lower what are likely to be larger than usual increases in the coming year. The past year has proven to be one of the [...]
Let Us Show You Around Our New Website
We are pleased to introduce you to our new and improved website—a modern, easy-to-navigate tool for you to use to file a claim, make a payment, apply for a job, [...]
The Hardening Commercial Insurance Market
As the year 2020 has evolved, a number of events have converged and created the perfect storm for the commercial insurance industry. A global pandemic has resulted in substantial uncertainty [...]
Phishing Emails, Cyber Insurance, and COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself from a Scam
Before the COVID-19 outbreak, everyone was vulnerable to a cyber-attack, including small businesses, manufacturing operations, large, and seemingly impenetrable, tech companies, friends, and family members. Now, amid the current coronavirus pandemic, we’re, unfortunately, [...]
Remote Learning Video Conferencing Risks
Educational institutions across the country have swiftly transitioned to distance learning to meet the needs of their students amidst state-mandated stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. [...]
Your Guide to Health Insurance Providers Telemedicine Options
Telemedicine is an excellent option during the COVID-19 outbreak There is a new word on the lips of many doctors and other healthcare professionals in the wake of the COVID-19 [...]
Massachusetts Hands-Free Cell Phone Law
Get the facts about the new Massachusetts hands-free cell phone law When there is important insurance-related news that could impact you and your family, the team at Fred C. Church [...]
Employee Benefits Alternative Funding Arrangements
Written by George Lucas, Jr. Director of Business Development Have you been exploring an Alternative Funding Arrangement for Employee Benefits? Here is what your insurance broker should be telling you. [...]
Do Liability Waivers Protect Outdoor & Adventure Organizations?
If you've been following the goings-on of the Outdoor + Adventure team at Fred C. Church, then you are probably familiar with a blog series that we launched earlier this [...]