Are you confident that your Real Estate business is getting first-class risk management protection?
Your real estate company may focus solely on one kind of property, like residential or commercial, and one type of service, like property management or development, or it may involve a combination of several different areas of the real estate industry. But no matter the size and scope of your business, every transaction, every day, is exposing your company to liability risks. From engaging with tenants or handling contracts to performing maintenance tasks or hiring qualified contractors, the nature of being in real estate is that you must be constantly on the lookout for potential issues, obstacles, and disputes. For this reason, it is essential to work with an experienced insurance broker and risk management resource like Fred C. Church, who understands the inner workings of the real estate industry, how each area differs, and the distinct processes and challenges each involves. As your broker, we will help you identify, assess, and manage the risks that your company is likely to face today and in the future.
$85 Billion
The value of commercial real estate built in the U.S. in 2019*
Areas Of Focus
Serving the needs of real estate businesses across the U.S.
While the potential for financial and other rewards in the real estate industry is significant, there is a high risk for failure, as well. To help make sure that your investment of time, money, and hard work pays off, it is critical to gain as much control as possible over the specific risks involved in your real estate endeavors. Whether you’re involved in developing, selling, marketing, or managing properties, successfully managing your exposures will only happen if you clearly understand what these risks are, as well as how to address and mitigate them. From property damage caused by a natural disaster or a tenant’s negligence to a theft or personal injury on a property you own or operate, our Real Estate Practice Group will use a hands-on risk assessment process to not only help prepare you but also determine if you are appropriately protected for these and other common risks.
We deliver customized risk management programs and services to real estate businesses of varying sizes and specialties, including:
Why partner with Fred C. Church Insurance as your risk resource?
One of the many benefits of being an independent agent is our ability to represent numerous highly rated insurance carriers, many of whom are the best in the industry. This arrangement allows us to provide real estate companies of varying size, exposure, and specialty with comprehensive insurance solutions, including General Liability, Professional Liability (or Errors & Omissions), Loss of Business Income, Master Condo, Commercial Umbrella, Workers’ Compensation, and more.

More Details
Because your real estate company needs more than just a business insurance program.
Finding insurance solutions for your company’s specific risks and the most common industry exposures is an essential part of our relationship, but at Fred C. Church, it is by no means the most important. Our Real Estate Practice Group appreciates the enormous amount of effort that goes into building any type of business in the real estate industry. As your broker, we will collaborate with you to be aware of risks—natural or man-made—that are a threat to your investment and help you prepare for them. We know there are hundreds of companies your real estate business could work with if you just want to buy insurance. However, we’re hoping it’s more important to you to find an insurance team who has over three decades of experience working with companies just like yours and who will always work to protect your business’ best interests.
With Fred C. Church as your broker, you gain access to many tools and services to help you manage your risk, which may include:
Our Three-Step Risk Management Process
Working hand-in-hand with you to regularly monitor your company’s potential losses.
We start by mapping out your potential operational and financial risks; how likely each is to happen and how frequently; and what impact they may have on your organization and finances. Then, working together, we take a proactive and strategic approach to help you determine which risks require your attention first.
Our goal is to understand how you currently deal with your identified risks and if this aligns with our knowledge of best practices for your specific industry. We also review your current insurance policies, and their limits and exclusions, to discover possible gaps or redundancies that may warrant changes to your plan.
Our team puts together a risk management program to address the risks you knew about, but that may not have been adequately covered, and those that we identified for you through this process. We then offer a variety of insurance solutions that will allow you to make decisions that align with your appetite for risk.
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Client Success Stories
Here is how our people have helped other people achieve their goals.

I have been working with the Fred C. Church team for over twenty years and the reason I stay there is their commitment to customer service and the relationship that has developed over the years. I trust them to do the best for me personally and my company. I started with them providing our property and casualty insurance and it has progressed to my homeowners insurance and all of our health insurance and benefits.
Fred C. Church was by far the most productive call I made when our school had a serious fire on campus. Knowing that I was going to be warmly and professionally counseled provided me great confidence as I placed that difficult call on a Saturday in August.
Fred C. Church does more than say, “It’s the people.” They practice, “It’s the people.” From their unmatched and outstanding customer service and follow-up to their commitment to negotiating the best policies for the fairest price, the people at Fred C. Church exceed our expectations every day.
We turned to Fred C. Church because we wanted an insurance broker that understood our needs as an employee-owned company. Not only did we get that, but we also got a company that has helped us navigate some complex business issues that we have experienced as a government contractor. We have found the people of Fred C. Church to be a valuable partner in helping us run our business better.
Fred C. Church is not just an insurance broker that you only see at renewal but a trusted partner that will work alongside us to help us align our insurance program with the organization’s strategic goals. I know when I need them that they will be there for me.